NASA's Achievement in Research and Development 2011

NASA's achievement in Research and Development

Astronauts Pencil

This is a story of Anti Gravity Space Pen featured in the movie-3 idiots, my friends it was not the story but the fact happened many years ago, ok then let me explain you to this.

During the space race back in 1960’s, when NASA began the launch of astronauts into space, they found out that the pen wouldn't work at zero gravity. (Even Ink won't flow down to the Writing surface). Russian’s also had the same problem too, when they launch cosmonauts in space.

In order to solve this problem, Americans hired Andersen Consulting (which is Accenture today). It took them one decade and 12 million dollars.

They developed a pen that worked at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, in practically any surface including crystal and in a temperature range from below freezing to over 300 degrees C.

But the Russians they did not scratch their head like Americans. They neither spent money nor time. They used a bit of commonsense. “Russian’s used pencils instead of pens"


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