Top 10 Telecommunication Companies in the World 2011

The ranking of the Top Ten Telecommunication Service Providers in the world for the year 2011. This ranking is based on the brand value of the company, popularity, quality of services, exposure, website design, subscribers, innovation in marketing and new technological advancements, customer’s trust, pricing and packages, economical condition and size of the operational country and many other minor factors. 


Top 10 Telecommunication Companies in the World 2011

1-China Mobile


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The Chinese Company that has a huge Network of Voice and Multimedia Services. In Pakistan China Mobile is operating under the name of Zong Gsm.



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The British origin multi national company has a large market share of subscribers and is ranked at the second spot due to the revenue generated and quality of services.



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The Spanish multi national company that owns the O2 famous brand. Telefonica has large customer base and provides fixed line and mobile communication services to its subscribers.

4- Ufone Gsm:-

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The Pakistani company that has shown great innovation in terms of brand marketing and quality of services offered. Although the political turmoil, recession and other factors are hindering the way towards progress but yet Ufone Gsm has exhibited some extra ordinary performance.



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The famous American US Based Telecom Operator.

6- Telenor:-


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The Norwegian Giant Mobile Service Providing Company that is very famous in Pakistan for its Brands Telenor TalkShawk and Djuice.

7- TeliaSonera:-


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The Company that is from Finland and Sweden has progressed to rank at the seventh spot. The Company is also active in Europe and has a reasonable customer base.

8-Deutsche Telecom AG:-


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The largest Telecommunication service providing company in Europe that originates from Germany.

9-China Unicom:-


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China Unicom is another Company from china that has a large number of Mobile Subscribers.

10- France Telecom SA:-


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One of the leading Telecommunication service providing companies in the Europe that owns one of the most popular brand name Orange Mobile


The above ranking is provided only for informational and educational purpose. No infringement of copyright is intended.


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