Nissan Leaf – Zero Emissions Green Car

The release of the Nissan Leaf has a lot of people really exited in the auto industry and the consumer community as well. This will be the first 100% electric vehicle to hit the United States consumer market. There are others out there that you can buy, but the Nissan Leaf is the first to go mainstream. with a bold look and hot price and no more tailpipes, we think this is one sweet “Leaf”!

The Nissan Leaf will be sure to make some waves in 2010. It will be using some technology provided by Toyota to make this car the latest and greatest in electric automotive technology. There isn’t a hidden gas engine in the Nissan Leaf it’s all battery baby! The heavy duty power cells that power this new car can be charged on a standard electrical plug but for a faster charge you can use a quick charger which does require a little more juice than normal. Nissan says that the car can get 80% charge in about 30 minutes on the quick charger. Getting around a hundred miles per charge and a top speed just under ninety miles per hour this may be the breakthrough electric car of 2010.

We expect there to be many more zero emissions cars to come out int he next few years. If the Nissan Leaf is successful in the US market this year then the competition will go through the roof for sure. This will be a win win for the consumer and will most likely only drive the price of electric cars down and give us many more options when it comes to buying.

OK enough mumbo jumbo, lets get to the sweet pics!


Nissan Leaf Car Review

Nissan Leaf Console

Nissan Leaf Console


Nissan Leaf Side Review


Nissan Leaf Dashboard Close-up


Nissan Leaf Review

Nissan Leaf Conrol Panel

Nissan Leaf Conrol Panel Review


Nissan Leaf Review

Nissan Leaf Gear Shifter

Nissan Leaf Gear Shifter

Nissan Leaf Interior Review


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