10 Best Facts About The Independence Of South Sudan South Sudan Flags

10 Best Facts About The Independence Of South Sudan South Sudan Flags


“No man is good enough to govern another man without his consent” (Abraham Lincoln). Every Nation in this world desires for freedom and tends to give as many sacrifices for this as it possibly can. The only way to escape tyranny and slavery of unjust ruler is to strive for freedom. When the people get together for a common cause and put their shoulders to the wheel to get their target, then undoubtedly they achieve it. Guys, here we are talking about the people of South Sudan who have cemented their place in the world as a separate independent country, thereby securing their lives and culture. Sudan was the largest country in Africa but on Saturday lost its south part which became a new country.
“The amount of happiness you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart” (Thich Nhat Hanh)


It is a very hot news on the media so I will try to divulge to you as much information as I possibly can. Here are some of the facts about the creation of the new country, The Republic of South Sudan


1. On July 9th, a new “transitional constitution” will come into immediate effect and which will, although, be subject to final approval by the parliament.

2. Prior to the countdown to the independence, there were very fascinating bill boards and slogans which could be heard in the streets of the Juba such as “Free at last” and “Just divorced”. The people were chanting slogans of freedom in great enthusiasm and everybody seemed to be in high spirits.

3. The new country’s president is Salva Kiir and he will take the oath of the office amidst the celebrations. The term of the new president will be of four years and the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly will be reconstituted by the president as the National Legislative Assembly.

4. At the event of the independence day, around 30 head of the states from Africa and the world are invited. The new South Sudan flag will also be raised and the new national anthem will be sung. The UN chief Ban Ki-moon also flied to Juba earlier on Saturday.

5. The independence celebrations will be held at the Garang Memorial site in the capital Juba. This is the place where the former southern leader and rebel hero John Garang is buried. He was the one who signed the peace deal with Northern President Omer Hassan al-Bashir. John Garanf was a member of the Dinka ethnic group and he was born into a poor family in Wanglei village in Dinka. He joined the first Sudanese Civil War in the year 1962 but because he was too young, the leaders encouraged him to seek further study.

6. If we talk about the embassies and consulates, then South Sudan intends to open 34 of them around the world and increasing the number to 50 over time.

7. According to the Southern government of Sudan, South Sudan will has become the 196th country in the world, the 193rd member of the UN and the 55th country in Africa.

8. The first rebellion of southerners started from 1962 and remained till 1972, but even at the end of the rebellion the southerners desire for autonomy was not satisfied and the abhorrence against the northern Sudan remained dormant in their hearts.

9. In the year 2005, the two sides came to a peace agreement, according to which a referendum was to take place 6 years later and will decide the fate of the southerners whether they want to stay with Sudan or form their own independent country. Ultimately, the southerners opted for an independent country by 98% voted in favor of demarcation.

10. The history of the war between the North and South Sudan dates back to 1955 and remained till the year 2005. The wars are always fought with a motive in the mind. North and South Sudan fought over ethnicity, religion, oil and basic ideology and the war claimed almost 2 million consequently destabilizing the region to a much greater extent.


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