It’s not easy to say what the top 10 best SEO tips really are, especially with all the so-called “experts” claiming to know the latest SEO tricks and “secrets Google doesn’t want you to know about.” It would take you days, even weeks to sort through this mess. So we thought we’d make it easy for beginners at SEO and condense all the clutter into what we call our Top 10 SEO tips and tricks.
Keep in mind, though, that we did not list these in any particular order. #1 will be just as important as #10 and so on. Our goal is not to say which tips are more or less valuable, but rather, to give beginners a starting point in their SEO efforts. These are all important and they apply to any industry or organization.
1. Unique at Its Peak
Nothing really beats the original. Some people think that you could not find any unique ideas online, particularly if you have chosen a website niche that has high competition rate. Nonetheless, if you would keep the same attitude of not going the easy way and sacrificing the quality by “haggling the cost”, then expect a big impact of it not just to you but to your whole investment. If you feel that you can hire writers that would produce consistent unique content for your website, then go on but never settle for anything less by offering less of the value where you would get spun and even copied articles.
2. Linking Building for Better Ranking
This is the name of the game. You do not just produce quality articles but you make sure that you would get quality back links by having quality link building. Start from the basics and some of the tools for link building can be learned along the way. Think of the most preferred SEO tools that would help you hit the ball.
3. Keywords are Your Anchor
You don’t just provide keywords related to your website. You have to take time to research for the sets of keywords that would pull up your earnings and ranking. They are your literal anchor and they would keep you steady on unstable waters.
4. The Newest is the Freshest
Never forget to provide fresh and unique content and not just spun articles. If you don’t want to lose your investment and get everything trashed, then take time to provide a regular unique content to keep the pacing and ranking of your page.
5. Big Holes on Black Hat SEO
There is no easy way to get on the top and to start reaping the rewards. There is no short cut and you can’t even fool yourself on crap and other marketing strategies that others are offering and laying before you. Avoid them and you are assured of long-term success.
6. Start and Sign up on Free Tools
There are hundreds of article directories online, but we have to admit that some of them require investment to see the rewards. How do you do this without breaking the bank? Check everything and sign up on reputable article free directories. Later on, once familiarization and exposure is maximized, you could get enough returns to take advantage of other SEO tools and have things easy on your end.
7. User Friendly Website
Before you create a website, you have to put yourself on the shoes of the web users or visitors. To understand this process better, you have to visit other websites that you could see online where you can rate your experience upon visiting them. Everything can be judged from the first time you click the link. Do you feel that you were routed or directed to the site? How long did you get to see the site? Now, use them to start on your page or make some improvements.
8. Learn Mistakes and Avoid Them
We do learn when we realize and recognize that we have made minor or even big mistakes. In the business, avoiding as many mistakes as possible can be learned and cultivated by studying, researching, and asking those people who are ahead of you in this industry. Remember that we don’t learn anything at once; it takes time to get to know the whole picture. Therefore, start the puzzle and see that everything gets finished
9. Learn Social Marketing
Remember since this is a business, you have to capitalize on the free social networking sites where you have signed up, utilizing other features that could be linked to your website. Aside from article directory submission sites, Facebook, Twitter, and the latest, Google+, have something much to offer in expanding and disseminating various online information, particularly your website link. Of course, primarily, social bookmarking, media marketing, and blogging are important tools to effectively deliver information by submitting them to article directories. How to do them? Sign up and better learn how to do it using videos online and other gaining knowledge from SEO Gurus.
10. Stay Simple While Being a Mind Grabber
Simplicity is not just limited to personal appearance and way of life. It is the same game that any webmaster has to play for a website to be bookmarked by clients and customers. This is not about the flashy design and crawling effects that can be seen in typical websites, which are not made for business. Remember this is SEO, as it is said; simple things can bring about greater results. Let us not complicate things, especially in creating a name for the site. Being unique does not mean being too stiff and serious
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