LIVE: Day 7 of Anna fast-2

LIVE: Day 7 of Anna fast-2


As Anna Hazare's fast enters Day 7, we bring you a blow-by-blow account of the events as they unfold

06:05 PM: PM to convene 'high-level' meet at 7.30 tonight to discuss Anna impasse

05:24 pm: "L K Advani greedy for power" says Abhishek Manu Singhvi, new chairman of the Parliament Standing Committee.

05:17 pm: Abhishek Manu Singhvi named new chairman of the Parliament Standing Committee; Bill in Winter Session now

05:11 pm: Abhishek Manu Singhvi: Lokpal bill will be introduced in the new session

04:48 pm: Anna wants govt version of Lokpal bill to be withdrawn

04:18 pm: Anna says negotiations only with PMO, Rahul or Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan

04:11 pm: Anna rules out Lokpal negotiations with non govt mediators

03:34 pm: Top NDA leaders meeting at LK Advani's house to discuss Anna issue and strategy ahead of Parliament tomorrow

03:25 pm: Dismissing all speculation over negotiations, Team Anna member Kiran Bedi says Anna would like to have the PM send his representative for talks on Lokpal

03:07 pm: After reports emerge of negotiations initiated, Team Anna dismisses the same as rumours

02:51 pm: Left and like-minded parties to go on a strike outside Parliament tomorrow, in demand for a strong and effective Lokpal Bill: Reports

02:34 pm: Congress now wants Sri Sri Ravishankar to mediate with Anna: Reports

02:21 pm: Despite it being a weekday, huge crowds gather at Ramlila to rally behind Anna; sit-ins, marches and various expressions of support continue to be reported from across the country

02:09 pm: Maharashtra bureaucrat Umesh Chandra Sarangi in meeting with Kapil Sibal now

01:54 pm: Team Anna says that Anna may be willing to talk to Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan

01:49 pm: Meeting underway at Home Minister P Chidambaram's house to coordinate the suggestions and changes in the Lokpal Bill; Salman Khursheed, V Narayansami among others present at the meet

01:45 pm: Anna's latest health bulletin - BP 130/80; Pulse 78/minute; Blood sugar 97 mg/dl

01:40 pm: State-level Lokpal mechanism cannot be diluted: Anna

01:38 pm: Anna says that a strong Judicial Accountability Bill is needed if judiciary is to be excluded from Lokpal

01:36 pm:Anna says he may be flexible on the issue of bringing judiciary under Lokpal ambit
01:35 pm: Anna wants Lokpal talks only with PMO or Rahul Gandhi directly


01:22 pm: Union minister Salman Khursheed says that problems of the country cannot be solved in a few days only; deadlock can be resolved only through dialogue

01:11 pm: Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh tells media that any mode of communication may be used now to arrive at a solution

01:05 pm: Parents of Kargil martyr Lt. Saurabh Kalia, who are waiting till today for the government to take up the case of human rights violations with Pakistan, express their support for Anna; they say that Anna's movement has given them the courage to continue their fight for justice

12:50 pm: Protests continue outside ministers' homes - Pranab Mukherjee, Kapil Sibal and Sheila Dixit's homes in capital targeted

12: 45 pm: PM feels that Lokpal may help, but will not solve the corruption problem; says, judicial reforms would be needed for fast trials and judgment
12:42 pm: Anna wants to negotiate directly with a national leader: Reports
12:37 pm: Opposition steps up pressure on government to quit and seek fresh mandate

12:30 pm: Kapil Sibal agrees to talk to Anna if other team members stay out of talks

12:08 pm: Need comprehensive restructuring of government procedures, says PM
12:06 pm: PM acknowledges the trust deficit created by corruption and vows to come up with systemic ways to weed it out

12:00 noon: Anna supporters protest outside Kapil Sibal's house

11:40 am: Anna has lost 5 kg of weight, but other indicators are reported to be stable

11:32 am: Anna reportedly upset over the Government's move to use Maharashtra bureaucrat U C Sarangi and longtime Hazare associate Bhayyuji Maharaj as mediators

11:30 am: Team Anna says there has been no concrete proposal from the Centre as yet

11:18 am: "What is democracy? Democracy is not about going and voting in five years" - Kejriwal

11:15 am: Key Anna aide Arvind Kejriwal denies charges of inciting hooliganism and anti-democratic sentiment; says those with 'vested interests' are making such charges

11:00 am: Thousands continue to pour into Ramlila Grounds to express solidarity with and support for Anna's cause; however, there seems to be little breakthrough in negotiations with government

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