Top 10 Best Awards in Venice Film Festival

Top 10 Best  Awards in Venice Film Festival

As the oldest film festival in the world, the Venice Film Festival appraises itself as one of the most prestigious award giving bodies in the field of filmmaking. Held annually in the months of late August and perhaps early September, it was established by Count Guiseppe Volpi in 1932 as an appreciation for the arts of filmmaking. Every year they honor some of the top artists in the field and the films that have been thought to be leaders. Here are the top ten awards and nominations of the Venice Film Festival.


1.  The Golden Lion Awards for Best Film


Considered as the top award in the festival, the Leone d’ Oro is one that acknowledges the efforts of the artists in making one of the most remarkable films of the year. In addition, it is meant to give the distinction for the film to being the most renowned for that year.

2.  Lion of the Future


This is an award that recognizes new film artists in the industry, and will include recognitions for debut films.

3. Silver Lions


Recognition for the arts is one thing that the festival is known for, and they the Silver Lion will be that recognition given to films that are runner-ups to the best film. In some cases, this is the award given to the debut films that is considered to be remarkable by the judges.

4.  The Golden Lion Award Lifetime Achievement


For great artists, these would be the honor they would deserve considering their past works and films that have made a mark in the industry.

5. Contracampo Award


This award will be given for three categories under the jury of the Contracampo, and these would include the narrative feature length films, the short films, and the documentaries. The selection is one that recognizes the new fashions in film making in the Italian film industry.

6. Golden Osellas


Directors, composers, and cinematographers will also be given their due recognition with the festival, and the Golden Osella will be that award given to the recipients.

7.  Coppa Volpi for Actresses


The other side of the Volpi cup is those awarded for women actors whose acting prowess on the films are recognized, showing that everything can be obtained, even beyond the limits of gender and standards.

8.  Coppa Volpi for Actors


In Europe, an actor to have been appraised to be nominated for this category is enough recognition for their crafts, and even contributions to the movie industry.

9.  Marcello Mastroianni Award


An award given to the young artists who have made memorable film acting. This was recently won in 2010 by Mila Kunis.

10.  Persol 3D Awards for the Most Creative Film


An award that was recently created to recognize the applied arts and science in the field of 3D artistry being used in films.


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