10 foods that boost your libido

10 foods that boost your libido

Guys, a trip to the supermarket can spice up your sex life as well as your dinner plate.


Birds do it. Bees do it. Even, it is said, educated fleas do it. The problem is that, increasingly, we DON'T do it. The pressures of modern life and a now often normal state of exhaustion mean that our sex lives are suffering. There are solutions at hand, however. And some of them can be found in the supermarket.

What you eat can play an important role in how sexually active you feel and serve to raise your energy - and libido - levels. Indulging in a few aphrodisiacal foods can turn into an exciting experiment with your partner with fruity, fiery results. Include these foods in your weekly diet and reap the rewards. Read on to discover 10 surprising foods that boost your libido



A feature on edible Viagra substitutes has to include this most famous of aphrodisiacs. Modern myth? Actually, no. Oysters pack in zinc - good for sperm production - testosterone - rah - and dopamine, a hormone that increases libido. In addition, you get to crack them open with a knife and kill them, which might also make you feel more manly.



What was that about bees doing it? When's the traditional time to get frisky? Honeymoon. Why is it called that? Because of an old custom - probably Persian - where the newlyweds quaffed mead for a month to get them busy making little Persians. Appropriately, it's full of B vitamins which help in the production of testosterone, plus it's a low GI food, meaning it gives a slow, steady energy release which helps your stamina.



Phwoar. Look at it. All red and wanton... In parts of Europe, the tomato was nicknamed the "love apple" for its perceived aphrodisiac qualities and banned in Rome as the devil's fruit. Some even say it was a tomato, not an apple, which caused Adam and Eve's problems. Myth? Actually, no. The skin is rich in lycopene, which is essential for prostate health, and the high beta-carotene content converts to Vitamin A, which does wonders for your private parts.

Brown rice


As we said with honey, if a diet turns you into a love god, you're going to need the stamina. Brown rice is a another slow burn, packs a lot of Vitamin B into each tiny grain and provides magnesium, which aids muscle contraction and thus, in turn, things like sexual performance (the physical mechanics of it) and orgasm. No wonder the hippies had a reputation for free love.



The name of this fruit comes from the Aztec for testicles. That's partly the shape - you'll never be able to squeeze one in public again, will you? - but also the effect they have on said bits. Avocadoes are rich in Vitamin B6, which is a powerful source of male-hormone production.

Brazil nuts


While not necessarily beneficial to libido, assuming you want to have children, the Brazil nut is your friend. Modern diets, according to some Italian research, are often low in selenium, a chemical that helps prevent damage to sperm cells. Brazil nuts, as you've probably guessed, are a rich source of selenium. Just three a day will boost your chances of having healthy sperm.



This isn't shaping up to be a bad diet at all, is it? The fig is a thing of beauty, a juicy, sensual fruit that also does you good: they're full of amino acids, which improve sexual stamina and some say increase libido. They're also delicious



You know how Viagra works, right? The little blue triangle relaxes the blood vessels to enable blood to flow to the bits of the anatomy that are supposed to stay active during sex. According to some Texan research, watermelons are a fine source of citrulline and arginine, two acids which can cause the body to prevent nitric oxide. And what does nitric oxide do to blood vessels? Yes, you guessed. Not as convenient to keep in your pocket as Viagra admittedly, but a lot easier to introduce at the breakfast table



Also good for the blood flow? Garlic. Here's the science: Garlic contains allicin which helps blood flow AND increases libido. There's the slight issue of breath, of course, but if she's eating it too, you'll cancel each other out, no problem.

Vanilla ice-cream


All of the above AND we give you dessert? Why, MSN, you are spoiling us. Incredibly, vanilla has aphrodisiac qualities. One of the world's most popular scents, in everything from those huge candles she loves buying to toilet air fresheners, there's a good reason why that's the case: the smell of vanilla can increase penile blood flow. Have it with figs and honey for pudding - but don't say we didn't warn you

More on MSN Him


So there you have it - 10 foods that boost your libido. Get out there and get stuck in!


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